Reeves International Inc. Breyer Chestnut Guy McLean's Quietway Spinabbey Horse Model
"If you’re a fan of famed Australian horseman Guy McLean, then the name Quietway Spinabbey (#B-TR-10121) may ring a bell. According to Guy, from his very first few days on earth, Spinabbey moved more like a gazelle than a foal – he spent more time with all four feet off the ground than he did with them on it! Now one of the lead horses in his live performances, Spinabbey can perform incredible maneuvers such as sideways gallops and backwards canters. His model has been produced with a custom roached mane – Spinabbey’s signature style – and includes a copy of Guy’s heartfelt keepsake poem entitled “My Mr. Incredible Quietway Spinabbey.” We're looking forward to welcoming Spinabbey to BreyerFest this year as part of Guy's team!" Mid year 2024 release.
Additional Information:
Material: Cellulose Acetate Plastic